Project presentation and objectives
Human beings, in their capacity as citizens rather than mere consumers of the digital age, should serve as the cornerstone for the legal framework guiding the transition to a Sustainable Digital Circular Economy. Echoing the sentiments of the European Commission's political agenda, it is asserted that 'in the world of tomorrow, if we desire to steer our own course with confidence in our capabilities, values, and choices, we must rely on digitally empowered and capable citizens.' However, the existing legal infrastructure cannot rely on outdated paradigms to effectively navigate this transformative shift. Indeed, without a comprehensive array of individual "legal powers" recognized by the law, the empowerment of citizens within the new circular and digital society risks remaining incomplete.
This project aims to address this 'legal gap' by undertaking the following initiatives: firstly, mapping legal sources in consideration of the evolving circumstances of individuals and reimagining citizens' rights to align with the demands of this paradigm shift; secondly, evaluating the adequacy or inadequacy of existing and forthcoming regulatory measures; and thirdly, proposing new "legal powers" capable of genuinely empowering European citizens in accordance with these redefined rights, thereby shaping a Sustainable Digital Circular Economy centered around human needs.
PNRR – Missione 4 "Istruzione e Ricerca" – Componente 2 "Dalla Ricerca all'Impresa" Investimento 1.1 Fondi PRIN – Settore ERC SH2 "Institutions, Governance and Legal Systems"
Areas of research
Commercial Law
The idea is to depart from the conventional self-referential approach to business and markets as ends in themselves. The policy objective of the Sustainable Digital Circular Economy emphasizes a preference for a "complementary" and instrumental aspect of commercial regulation, prioritizing the well-being of the community from a human-centered perspective.

EU Law
The systemic significance of the Sustainable Digital Circular Economy will be harmonized with the institutional framework of EU public and private law. This integration is not only crucial for establishing the legal foundation of regulatory tools accurately but also in a proactive sense, to foster a robust European identity, with EU citizens' rights at its core. Beyond specific regulations, such as consumer law, particular attention will be paid to the constitutional dimension of individual rights.
International Law
The EU framework will serve as the initial platform for launching this innovative legal model beyond its borders, extending its reach to international human rights law. This expansion signifies a paradigm shift aspiring towards universality, in alignment with the objective of global sustainability as the sole feasible and desirable dimension.
Public Law
Constitutions have the potential to anchor sustainable development and circular economy principles, however the incorporation of sustainability into constitutions is relatively new. Our research focuses also on constitutional discourse, examining how a Sustainable Digital Circular Economy
can be safeguarded through constitutional provisions, particularly in light of Italy's experiences in amending Articles 9 and 41 of its Constitution.
Sociological research will complement legal reasoning by embedding it within the actual dynamics of society. This sociological analysis will be coupled with ongoing dialogue between the research team and key stakeholders of society, including public bodies, national and local institutions, legal professionals, consumer associations, business associations, and NGOs.
Our work
As we move towards a more sustainable future, it is becoming increasingly important to empower citizens to play an active role in shaping our society. This is particularly true in the realm of the circular economy, where citizens can make a significant impact through their choices and actions. Our research group is dedicated to investigate and develop citizen empowerment in the Sustainable Digital Circular Economy through:
- legal gap analysis and recommendations for improving citizen empowerment in the Sustainable Digital Circular Economy;
- mapping of evolving rights and responsibilities for citizens in the digital circular economy;
- evaluation of existing regulations and proposal of new legal powers to promote citizen empowerment in the digital circular economy.
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